Die vindt de grote honden een beetje eng, dus die kan je lekker pesten. Maar al met al, viel het wel mee, ze ging toch vooral ook spelen met de grotere honden en stoere teckel Teun. Mijn humeur was ineens een stuk beter!

Tijdens de les heeft ze me echt verbaasd. Zo zie je maar weer, ze is een behoorlijk slimme tante! Als ze eenmaal iets 1 keer heeft gedaan, weet ze hoe het moet. (Dat is zeker niet altijd handig, bijvoorbeeld met het openen van deuren en kasten.... overal zitten bij ons thuis haakjes op, anders maakt deze dame het open) Maar voor de les is het wel fijn. Het naast lopen, liet nog wat te wensen over, maar ze ging nu wel netjes zitten. Ik had ham meegenomen, maar dat vond ze niet zo geweldig, de snoepjes van Sandra echter, die vond ze niet te versmaden. Dus met zo'n buitengewoon lekker snoepje in mijn hand, kreeg ik haar zover dat ze netjes ging zitten, riem af, riem aan, en weer volgen. Jawel mensen, ze deed het toch maar. En ik liep zowat naast mijn schoenen van trots. Ook ging ze netjes af, 't is toch niet te geloven. Het leek een heel ander hondje dan vorige week. Ik keek nog eens goed, ik had toch niet de verkeerde meegenomen? Nee hoor, het was echt Grace, hahaha. Ook de andere deelnemers hadden door dat ze nu ineens heel anders op het veld stond. Veel zelfverzekerder. Na afloop van de les, mochten de honden weer spelen. De kleintjes mochten samen op het ander veld, zodat de grote hen niet konden pesten. Een vriendje van Grace moest al wat vroeger naar huis, maar gelukkig kon ze nog wel met de Austalian Shepherd spelen. Ze renden als dolle achter elkaar aan, zo'n aussie is behoorlijk snel! Na het tikkertje spelen, gingen we weer naar huis. Natuurlijk moest ik haar weer de auto in tillen, maar al met al was ik een zeer tevreden mens. Toen ik het thuis aan Jan vertelde, zag ik aan zijn ogen dat hij het bijna niet kon geloven. Hij zal gedacht hebben dat ik een beetje overdreef of aan het opscheppen was.... Misschien de volgende keer eens aan een van de deelnemers vragen of ze wat willen opnemen, bewijs voor het thuisfront, hahahahaha.
She is not all that bad
Yesterday it was that time of the week again, Grace and I supposed to go to the doggytraining. I was curious how it would turn out this time. Now that it was not all that new anymore, she should be able to concentrate and perform a little better. I was pretty tired and I didn't really wanted to go. But this is exactely why I signed op, so we went anyway. Since I did not want a car full of puke again, I had given her a car sickness medication one hour before departure. To get her to get into the car was challenging. I really had to lift her in, she did not go by herself. But hey, she is a Saarloos after all, so what do you expect. Once we arrived at doggyschool, it appeared that the pill had worked, she had not become ill. She jumped out of the car by herself and looked around. You almost saw that she recognized the area. She walked happily to the trainingfield with me and was very interested in the horses, that stood in the meadow behind the trainingfield. When all participants had arrived, the dogs were allowed to get off leash and play. I was wondering. At first she was distracted by the horses, she stood right in front of the fence. But when the beautiful stalion was getting close, she decided she would be better of, playing with the other dogs. And so she did and she really had a lot of fun. Of course she wanted to play with the little dogs, especially the poodle. He thinks the big dogs are a bit scary, so shy loves to bully him a bit. But she was not so bad this time, she was mainly playing with the bigger dogs and with the tough little dachshund Teun. I felt great, my bad mood had disappeared like magic!
She positively surprised me during the class. Well you must know, she is a pretty smart lady! Once she has done something once, she knows how to do it. (That is certainly not always that nice, for example with the opening of doors and cabinets .... everywhere are at our home we have to block doors, otherwise this lady opens them) But here, it was great! Walking alongside me left something to be desired, but she now sat down nicely. I had taken some beef with me but she did not like that, but Sandra's (Sandra = dogtrainer) sweets she did love for sure! So with such an extraordinarily delicious candy in my hand, I got her to sit neatly, leash off, leash on, and follow me again. Yes, people, she did it!!!!. And I was so very proud of her!!!! She also lay down perfectly, can you believe that? She seemed a tatally different dog than last week. I took a good look at her, Had I taken the wrong dog? No, it really was Grace, hahaha. The other participants also realized that she had changed. She was so much more confident of herself. After the lesson, the dogs were allowed to play again. The little ones were allowed on the other field together, so that the big ones could not bully them. One of Grace's doggy friends had to go home a bit early, but luckily she could still play with the Austalian Shepherd, Zia. They ran after each other like crazy . An aussie is pretty fast! After playing tag for a while, we went home again. Of course I had to lift her back into the car, but all in all I was a very satisfied person. When I told Jan about it at home, I saw that he almost could not believe it. He will have thought that I was a bit exaggerated or bragging .... Maybe next time I might ask one of the participants to record something, as proof for the home front, hahahahaha.